Country showcase sheets
The following showcases present the current (May 2020) prosumer situation in the 8 countries of the project. This includes the status quo, best practices, as well as the main barriers and the foreseeable path to overcome them.
Webinars in non-PVP4Grid countries
Webinar on consumer co-ownership in renewable energy in Czech Republic
31st March 2020
The seminar is organized in cooperation with the Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic within the SCORE and PVP4Grid projects supported by the European Union program for research and innovation Horizon 2020.
Webinar on the new European Renewable Framework and the Romanian National Energy and Climate Plan
30th March 2020
EU Policy Workshop “For the Sake of Decarbonising Europe: Bringing PV Prosumers and Distribution System Operators together”
Brussels, 10th March 2020
This workshop aimed to shed light on the upcoming policy options that EU decision-makers could (or should) develop under the Green Deal, and showcase and debate findings from the PVP4Grid project as for developing and better integrating PV Prosumer Solutions in the Distribution Networks across Europe.
- Agenda
- The Evolution of Distribution Networks towards Decentralised (Renewable) Energy Systems, Andreas Jahn, Regulatory Assistance Project
- Policy panel: “What’s Next for PV Prosumers and DSOs”, Henning Twickler, EDSO for Smart Grids
- Policy panel: „CEER supports the Green Deal”, Veli-Pekka Saajo, Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER)
- Integration and Development of PV Prosumer Solutions in the Distribution Networks –Main PVP4Grid Findings from across Europe, Johannes Vollmer, EREF
- SmartPlexity: How DSOs & Prosumers can benefit from a block chain-based energy device identity registry, Mathias Böswetter, BSW-Solar
- Solution panel: ”Connecting PV Prosumers and Distribution System Operators: how can we make benefit BOTH?”, Johannes Radl, TU Wien
- Solution panel: ”Connecting PV Prosumers and Distribution System Operators: how can we make benefit BOTH?” Ruud Berndsen, Alliander
European Policy Workshop “PV prosumers on the rise – how Europe can empower more people to produce, consume & sell their own electricity”
Brussels, 21st November 2019
The workshop showcased the results from 3 EU projects and identified what is preventing more Europeans to become PV prosumers – and developed solutions for better policy-making that will remove key barriers and boost the further uptake of photovoltaics across Europe. Organized by the European funded projects PVP4Grid, EU Heroes & iDistributedPV.
- Agenda
- Active Participation of Citizens in the EU Energy Transition – H2020 Results, Michaela Gigli, Innovations and Networks Executive Agency (INEA)
- The new Prosumers Provisions – Challenges of Transposition, Ana Maria Sanchez Infante, DG ENER, European Commission
- PV Prosumers across Europe: what they can do – and what they can’t, Luz Aguilar, German Solar Association
- Connecting and Integrating PV Prosumption to the Distribution Networks, Jörg Mühlenhoff, Climate Action Network Europe
- PVP4Grid Project: Cost & CO2 Reduction Potential of Renewable Energy Communities – Comparison of Selected European Countries, Johannes Radl, Technische Universität Wien & Wouter Schram, Utrecht University
- EU Heroes Project: “Unlocking energy communities – new models for community solar in a post-subsidy world”, Graham Ayling, EST, UK
- iDistributedPV Project: Integration and Development of Solar PV Solutions in the Distribution Grid, Enrique Doheijo, Deloitte Director, Economic Consulting-Energy
- Key Barriers identified by the EU Projects PVP4Grid, EU Heroes & iDistributedPV, Johannes Vollmer, EREF & Moira Jimeno, eclareon
Workshop „Trends in PV Development: Self-consumption and Innovative Distributed Applications”
In the framework of the EU PVSEC
Marseille, 9th September 2019
- Agenda
- Summary of PV Self-Consumption Policies and Innovations: Gregory Neubourg, Becquerel Institute
- PVP4Grid Project: Profitability Analysis of Renewable Energy Communities: Comparison of European Selected Countries: Johannes Radl, TU Wien
- PVP4GRID Project: Comparison of greenhouse gas emission reduction potentials of energy communities in Europe: Atse Louwen, Wouter Schram, Wilfried van Sark, University of Utrecht
- Self-Consumption Initiative: Use cases – Hemma Bieser, AvantSmart, Presentation
- Self-Consumption Initiative: Use cases – Hemma Bieser, AvantSmart, Book
- Key features of PV development: Izumi Kaizuka, RTS Corp.
- Electricity markets and RES profitability: Alejandro Labanda, UNEF
- Storage competitiveness: Eero Vartianen, Fortum
- A new dawn for Solar Heating and Cooling using PV electricity: Daniel Mugnier, TECSOL
- Production heat and electricity together: Jérôme Mouterde, DUALSUN
Workshop “Innovation and challenges in the implementation of PV self-consumption in the EU”
Brussels, 29th May 2019