Enabling consumers to become PV prosumers in a system-friendly mannerInformation for prosumers
About the project
PV-Prosumers4Grid (PVP4Grid) is an EU-funded project involving 12 partners from various European countries, beginning in October 2017 and running until March 2020. The main objective of PVP4Grid is to increase the market share and market value of PV by enabling consumers to become PV prosumers in a system-friendly manner.
PVP4Grid aims at a better power system integration of PV with a focus on market integration. New management and business models to combine PV, storage, flexible demand and other technologies into a commercially viable product, will be assessed, improved, implemented and evaluated.
To achieve this, detailed guidelines for Prosumers and Distributed System Operators (DSO´s), as well as policy recommendations for national and European policy makers on how to achieve the suitable regulatory framework for prosumption, will be developed. Additionally, an online tool to help prosumers to get an economic assessment of PV prosumer projects will be created.
PVP4Grid will achieve the following objectives by the end of the project:
- Identification of the PV prosumer potential and its impacts on different system environments
- Identification of barriers for and improvement of the role of PV prosumers
- Validation of innovative business and management concepts for PV prosumers
- Recommendations for PVP4Grid concepts implementation at national and European level
PV-Prosumers4Grid plans national and European workshops with relevant renewable energy stakeholders, policy makers and prosumers to discuss the prosumer concepts, guidelines and recommendations. The project outcomes will be available on this website.
Target countries
PVP4Grid covers the following European countries:
- Austria
- Belgium
- France
- Germany
- Italy
- Portugal
- Netherlands
- Spain
Coverage is ensured thanks to the cooperation of 12 Partners, under the Coordination of BSW Solar. The full list of Partners is available here.